Consciously Relating

A focused approach to creating harmonious flow and authentic connection with self and others.


Interpersonal relationships are everywhere!

They’re our romantic partnerships and dating, friendships, family and even our co-workers, our boss and our employees at work. My approach is based on IAT coaching mentioned above to tackle disconnection in interpersonal relationship that can keep us stuck in unhappy patterns with our partners, family, friends, careers and ourselves.

Through my IAT-inspired coaching along with newly incorporated Meisner-inspired tools, I help you gain the tools and insight to break through vicious cycles, frustration and disconnection by reconnecting with yourself in order to connect with others from your most authentic center to increase the health of your relationships. We’ll discover your inner operating system (OS) through which you see the world, learn how others see the world due to their own OS, and learn healthy boundaries, needs meeting and communication for the health of your relationship with yourself and others.


Can vary depending on your goals and awareness. Program is completely customized to you.


Discover your relationship to yourself that reflects how you relate to others and the outside world.


Empower yourself! Take the reigns by developing your toolbox and putting those tools into action.


Develop effective communication of your needs and boundaries with others from a compassionate and secure place.

👆 Hit the button to discover your attachment

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